Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Sunday 21 May 2000

The Lunar Module seized on

The Lunar Module seized on a double wind harp programme just before the spraying lines of burning terror in "FraKctured". Well, we stopped, rebooted the rig & picked up where we left off.

The audience were substantially the same as last night (60%?) and my Sister was working her magic at the merchadising table. When it comes to selling stuff which my Sister believes in, she does not wait for the world to discover their merits.

How was it? The second step in any staged process is the weakest. So, there wasn't quite the tension or edge of last night - you don't lose your virginity twice, and the word "premier" doesn't mean "every night" - but we played more accurately. Beforehand Trey & I discussed how much to throw away accuracy & go for it, which happened quite often. We could also serve Crim Chowder from the clams tonight, including one terrific piece of horror from me (which hasn't yet been discovered & I'm keeping quiet for now).

BootlegTV were filming again tonight, this time from stage left.

Today we have soundcheck at 13.00 & a matinee at 16.00.

On an unrelated subject: the haircut Sister gave me yesterday afternoon has almost turned mutton into lamb. Well, the fleece is better displayed anyway. Another unrelated matter: although my reading has been sparse lately, Fritz Stern's "Einstein's German World" is now tucked away with the history of 20th. century philosophy (that is, Western philosophy; aka Dead Or Almost Dead - But All Of Them Old - White Guys).

The first show was violated somehow: I was making mistakes that I didn't need to make. The heart of the performance was dying. Then I knew: we were being bootlegged.

The second show was good, high energy. Ade & I found mistakes in the "easy" parts of "FraKctured" but the "difficult" parts were more straightforward. A salad was waiting for me in the dressing room for the first time so, rather than run away quickly, I eat it hiding in the shower, with the shower curtain closed, to shield myself from backstage visitors seeking to attract my attention.

My Sister functioned as a warm up for the show. She is as outward going as I am inward going. I love my Sister.

